Hello! Thanks for stopping by our website.
We hope you find the information contained here helpful.
Please use the button below to join our Sunday worship service online.
February 23, 2025
Safe Spaces
Rev. Jen Raffensperger
Special Note: This is the sermon topic selected by
the winner of our auction raffle, Cindy Lollar!
Join us in person or on YouTube
Joining our Sunday Service
We are open for in-person services on Sundays at 11:00 am. Per UUCR building use policy, masks are currently OPTIONAL for attendees.
- Limited, distanced seating will be available for those who want to come in person. Please read our Safety Recommendations.
- We also live stream our services on YouTube so that we can meet the divergent needs of all members of our church community.
- In-person RE for grades K-5 is back! We will leave from the service after the Children’s Message. Children must be picked up from the playground (most days) or the Olin Room (adverse weather days) by an adult. If your child is unable to wear a mask, please contact Jessie McKeon, Director of Lifespan Faith Development, to discover ways to keep them included and keep all safe.
- Middle and high school youth groups meet on Sundays at 12:30 pm.
Subscribe to stay updated
Receive the UUCR Monthly Newsletter, The Anchor, Weekly Updates, and other information about special projects and events.
Generosity Campaign 2024-25
Donate to UUCR
We welcome your financial support of UUCR and its mission. Thank you!
UUCR Library Updates
The library is in the Olin Room on the main floor of the church, and you’re invited to browse! Many thanks to Cindy Lollar for making this possible!
You’ll find six main categories:
- Church Life (information helpful to those leading or administering congregations)
- Human Development (psychology, sexuality, parenting, creativity, grief, etc.)
- Philosophy (thinkers not necessarily concerned with religion)
- Social Issues (environmentalism, social justice, history, etc.)
- Spirituality/Religion
- Unitarian Universalism
Donations are encouraged and welcome, if the books (no multimedia, magazines, or journals) fit into one of the six categories, and if the books are in good condition with no or minimal marginalia. More information about donating is available in the Olin Room.
Click on the button below to search the UUCR collection from your own computer on Librarika.
NOTE: You do NOT need a member login to search — ignore that field.
Full instructions will be available in the Olin Room, but to get started, you may also simply enter keywords into the “Search Catalog” field on the site’s home page.
Lifespan Faith Development
Lifespan Faith Development Goals
-Catalyze and nurture learning and growth for all ages
-Foster religious literacy and our individual and congregational UU identity
-Provide relevant, inclusive, multigenerational faith development opportunities
-Act as individuals to develop our social conscience and take compassionate steps to love our faith in community
The music program here is vibrant and always growing. The choir, led by our Music Director, Kerry Morgiewicz, sings at least twice a month during Sunday services and a few times a year at other special events.
Our current committees include:
-Team Green
-Racial Justice Team
-Reading Seeds
-Shared Ministry Committee
-Stewardship & Generosity Team
-Welcoming Congregation Committee
-Worship Associates
Volunteering with UUCR
It takes a lot of work to build community!
We have weekly service opportunities, including: A/V, Coffee, Greeters, Kitchen, Life Lines, Recycling, and Ushers.
We have volunteer opportunities for Faith Development for all ages
Click the button below to learn about Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke opportunities
2015 Grandin Rd. SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
Phone: 540-342-8888
If you would like to receive our newsletter or other church communications, please email our Church Administrator:
- Email: admin@uuroanoke.org