Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke, VirginiaBeacon of hope, harbor for all.
UUCR Mission Statement – We respect and honor one another as we work for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.
Our Vision – UUCR is a beacon of hope and a harbor for all who value wisdom found in every faith tradition and every person’s spiritual truth.
Unitarian Universalism
Unitarian Universalism is historically founded upon two ideas developed in the context of the Christian religious tradition: Unitarianism, which believed that the nature of God is unified and that there was a divine spark in every human being. Universalism affirms that God’s love is so powerful that every person will find salvation. In 1961 the Unitarian and Universalist denominations merged to form the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Although the two movements had many differences, they came together to form a stronger movement to impact the world. As the (Unitarian) protestant reformer Francis David once said “we need not think alike to love alike.” Since the merger into a single denomination, inclusion has become one of the most important values within the Unitarian Universalist church.
We believe that one of the most important affirmations of faith is to respect the inherent dignity and worth of all people. Today, Unitarian Universalist churches often include not only Christians, but count people connected to Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, humanism, and agnostic seekers amongst its members. Unitarian Universalist churches welcome people of all races, ages, places, and sexual orientations into their membership and leadership.
Are you a Unitarian Universalist?
Who Are Unitarian Universalists?
Our religious tradition originated out of Christianity. However, we now define ourselves more inclusively, celebrating a wide variety of religious traditions and perspectives. Our religious philosophy is grounded in an affirmation of the worth and dignity of all human beings and a belief that life should be celebrated as a sacred gift.
We trust people’s ability to determine their own faith, and we believe people should be encouraged to think for themselves. This freedom of belief is a basic principle of Unitarian Universalism. We do not require assent to any creed or statement of faith before a person can join us.
Who We Are
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke (UUCR) has been a center of progressive faith in the Roanoke Valley for more than 70 years. The members strive to practice their faith by being a force for good in the world.
UUCR is a growing congregation. We are a diverse group representing different age groups, ethnic and religious backgrounds, and sexual orientations. Singles, couples, and families have found a place where they can share common values and interests and find lifelong friendships.
We’re committed to engaging and connecting with one another and others, believing that together we can make a difference in people’s lives. Through joining in worship, fellowship, and acts of service, we strive to make justice, hope, and love known in the Roanoke Valley and beyond.
Our congregation is open and welcoming to anyone wishing for a safe place to explore their spirituality at their own pace.

The Seven Principles
Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience.
As Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove explains, “The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.”
1. 1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2. 2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3. 3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4. 4th Principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5. 5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6. 6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
7. 7th Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
The seven Principles and six Sources of the Unitarian Universalist Association grew out of the grassroots of our communities, were affirmed democratically, and are part of who we are. Read them as they are written in our UUA Bylaws.
UUCR has adopted the following additional principle, which relates to our commitment to antiracism:
We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

Ministers and Staff

Office: (540) 342-8888 | Mobile: (443) 626-4688
Email: revjen@uuroanoke.org
Rev. Jen (she/her/hers) received her Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School in 2021. Her lifelong passion has been the stories that humans tell about ourselves, about each other, and about our world. After a career in tech and project management, she has embraced her call to ministry and to serve our audacious and exciting living faith tradition! She lives in Roanoke with her two cats, Desmond and Peggy.

Rev. Kirk Ballin, Minister Emeritus
Office: (540) 342-8888 | Mobile: (540) 793-0752
Email: uurevkirk@aol.com
Rev. Kirk received his Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School in 1983. He served the Unitarian Universalist Church of Meadville, PA, from 1983-1987. Kirk was the full-time minister at UUCR from 1987-1999, and part-time minister at First Unitarian Church in Lynchburg, VA, from 2000-2003. He has been Minister Emeritus at UUCR since 2017.

Susan Cousins, Office Administrator & Facilities Coordinator
Office: (540) 342-8888
Email: admin@uuroanoke.org
Office hours: M-F, 10 am-2 pm
Contact Susan for information regarding facilities rental.

Office: (540) 342-8888 | Mobile: (540) 358-1588
Email: jmckeon@uuroanoke.org
Jessie (they/them) began their adventure as the Director of Lifespan Faith Development at UUCR in 2020. Jessie believes strongly in creative, brave, experiential religious education. Originally from Texas, Jessie holds a BA in Visual and Performing Arts, MEd in Instructional Design and Technology, and a DDiv with a focus in religious education and social justice. They believe that lifelong learning and spiritual growth can be just as fun as it is deep! Jessie loves living in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains with their cat, Endymion.

Bonnie Evans, LFD Coordinator
Office: 540-342-8888
Email: bevans@uuroanoke.org
Bonnie is available by appointment
Bonnie is a Roanoke native, who has been married 51 years to her husband Richard. Their two grown children and granddaughter live out of state. She loves working with children and youth, and she enjoys watching movies, reading, and laughing.

Kerry Morgiewicz, Music Director
Home: (540) 989-3190
Email: kmorgiewicz@uuroanoke.org
Kerry can meet by appointment
Choir on Wednesdays 7:15 pm.
Kerry Morgiewicz has been the Music Director at UUCR for 14 years. She loves the people here, and each year, she finds new and inspirational music to bring to the folks at UUCR. Kerry also works as an Instructor of Music at Hollins University and teaches private piano lessons. While her degrees are in piano performance, her heart resides in choral music and with UUCR choir, of course. Kerry often writes and arranges for the choir. Kerry and her husband Sev have twin boys, who make them very proud.
Lay Leadership
Board of Directors
President: Gordon Malczewski
VP Finance: Sheila Barnhart
Board Clerk: Lynn Yates
Member at Large, Personnel: Suzi Newton
Member at Large: Teresa Poole
Member at Large: Matt Livingston
Member at Large: Lea Whitney
Contact the church office for Board Members’ contact information.
Our Governance
UUCR Board and Acting Board Members – As a self-governing religious organization, the congregation holds the Board of Directors accountable through the election process. Board members serve two-year terms, which are staggered for continuity. Each year at the Annual Meeting, a president-elect and new at-large Board members are elected to replace those who have completed their terms. The Board elects from its members a Personnel chair, and selects stewardship and governance committees. The Board may also create additional ad hoc or standing committees as needs arise.

Gordon Malczewski, President
Gordon grew up in Buffalo, NY where he worked as a locksmith for 13 years. He moved to Roanoke in 1989 and pursued a career as a corporate trainer for Medeco Security Locks, teaching mechanical security classes in the U.S., Europe, Hong Kong, and Israel. An avid do-it-yourselfer, organizer and Habitat for Humanity volunteer, his interests include reading, architecture, live theater, physical fitness, and overseas travel. He currently resides in Salem with his partner, Michael, of over 35 years.
A member of UUCR for the past five years, he is currently a member of the Worship, Pride and Facilities committees. He has given two sermons on gratitude and is an active participant in the Living the Question book discussion group.

Sheila Barnhart, VP Finance
Though a relatively new member, Sheila has become very involved in the UUCR church community. Many of you have probably gotten to know her at Auction events or seen her smiling face on Sunday mornings. Sheila recently retired from a distinguished career as a Financial Advisor with UBS and her own financial business. Prior to that, she taught elementary school and was assistant principal at Oak Grove Elementary. She loves spending time with her family, three children and three grandchildren. Her hobbies are needlepoint, reading (3 book clubs), traveling, and gardening.

Lynn Yates, Board Clerk
Lynn Yates has been an active member of UUCR for more than 30 years. She has previously served on the Board, the Ministerial Search Committee, and the Shared Ministry Committee, and is currently active with the Service Auction and A/V teams. Before retiring in 2019, Lynn was employed with Montgomery County and Roanoke City School Divisions, first as an English teacher and then an Instructional Technology specialist. Her personal interests include reading, painting, bird watching, bread baking, and spending time with her family.

Suzi Newton, Member at Large: Personnel
Suzi discovered the UU Church of Augusta, GA when she was 17 years old. She has been a member of various UU congregations in several different states including UUSD in Lewes, DE where she and Judy Nelson were charter members. They have been members of UUCR for over 20 years. Suzi has served on the Board and the Committee on Ministry and is currently on the Connections Team, Pride, and the Safety Team. She has had a variety of jobs throughout her career including being one of the early female UPS drivers. Suzi returned to school in Delaware where she obtained an MS in counseling and became a Licensed Professional Counselor. In 2021, she retired from Blue Ridge Behavioral Health Care where Ishe managed a multidisciplinary team that provided service to adults with serious mental illness.

Teresa Poole, Member at Large
Teresa has been an active member of UUCR for several years, most recently serving as a Worship Associate and on the Racial Justice Team and Nominating Committee. She is looking forward to new horizons as she enters retirement.

Matt Livingston, Member at Large
Matt grew up going to UU churches in New York and Pennsylvania. He visited UUCR for the first time in 2002 shortly after moving into a nearby house in the Grandin neighborhood with his wife, Lori. Previously, he was on the UUCR Board from 2005 – 2009. He and Lori have two daughters (Frances, 14 and Beatrice, 11). For 20+ years, he’s worked at Novozymes, a Danish biotech company, in various technical and commercial roles on projects related to wastewater treatment. He plays the mandolin and you occasionally might see him playing music as part of the service or at various establishments around Roanoke. You might also see him running on the streets around the Grandin neighborhood or the Roanoke Greenway. He’s recently taken up swimming and joined the Olympic Park summer swim team with his daughters and loves it! He’s an enneagram 3, “achiever”. His Myers-Briggs personality type is ENTP.

Lea Whitney, Member at Large
Lea moved to the Roanoke valley in October 2019 and joined UUCR soon after. After the pandemic lockdowns, she was able to start attending regularly and has enjoyed spending time serving on Reading Seeds, Pride, and Shared Ministry Committees. Lea is also involved with the Women’s group and participated in Listening Circles. She lives with her husband, Jon Ramsey, and their cat and dog in Salem. She enjoys gardening, spending time with friends, reading and cooking.
Location and Accessibility
2015 Grandin Rd. SW
Roanoke, VA 24015

The main entrance, with steps and a handicap ramp, faces Grandin Road. A single-level entrance is accessible via the alley located behind the church. You may pull up to the door; the drop-off area is directly behind the staircase.
Parking, including handicap spaces, is located in our main lot. Overflow parking is available in the grassy area directly across the street from the church. Please leave the alley along the fence accessible. In addition, Patrick Henry High School has graciously allowed us to park in the section of their lot closest to Grandin Road when school is not in session. Please be careful crossing the street.
Parking on the neighborhood streets is prohibited, with towing at owner’s expense. This is per city ordinance.